Xavki’s newsletter : 20220103 week
Found the last newsletter here
🥳 I wish you a happy new year !!! A wonderfull year, we with several links of course. I hope you appreciate it and you share this extract of my week. Of course many cncf technologies to improve our daily. Enjoy !!! 🤩 and share it 👍👍👍

Remember, you can suscribe to the Xavki’s youtube channel here.
👉 Kubernetes & Containerization
- Troubleshooting & Debug : Awesome tool to add elements in your notification
- KubeScape : How to check your cluster security ?
- Kubectl : many basics, tips & tricks
- Mizu : an API traffic viewer
- Churro : ETL for kubernetes
- Logs : summary of pratices and solutions
- Docker : difference between entrypoint “” and entrypoint [“”] ? and CMD
- Loft : kubernetes as a service for your teams
- OCI : a simple json to run a container
👉 Tools
👉 System
- List of environment vaariables most common (beginning of the list)
👉 Monitoring
- Prometheus : difference between label_configs (on targets) and metric_relabel_configs (on metrics)
- Prometheus : simple documentation about kubernetes monitoring
- Classical architecture in k8s : prometheus / thanos / grafana
- Promql : good cheatsheet
👉 Security
👉 Python
👉 Others
- Twitter-Graph : graph your friends and followers (wonderful graph)
- Designing an infrastructure like… What’s App
Original : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/xavkis-links-20220103-week-xavier-pestel/