Xavki’s Links : 2022/12
I’m back. After several months, and at the end of the year, I think it’s time to start this newsletter again. I don’t know how often it will be broadcast, once a month sometimes maybe more.

Let’s go and enjoy !!! (Remember to share or like this content)
👉 Containers & Kubernetes
- What Actually Happens When You Publish a Container Port (EN)
- Kubernetes Validating Admission Policy — 1.26 alpha feature (EN)
- Kubernetes 1.26: Job Tracking, to Support Massively Parallel Batch Workloads (EN)
- What’s the Difference Between Kubernetes and OpenShift? (EN)
- Kubernetes 1.26: Pod Scheduling Readiness (EN)
- Kubernetes from scratch (FR)
- Kubesphere | HA setup with internal haproxy load balancer (EN)
- API Gateway vs Ingress (EN)
👉 Linux
- What can you find behind the /proc filesystem ?? (EN)
- Hop, hop, hop… remember what is traceroute (EN)
- SRE should know about GNU/Linux shell related internals (EN)
👉 Observability
- Open Telemetry at Ebay (EN)
- Grafana Phlare : the open source database for continuous profiling at massive scale (EN)
- Best practices for observability (EN)
👉 Data
👉 Others
👉 Tools & Tips
- FX, another way to parse your json files (EN)
- TFTree, how to have an overview of your terraform modules (EN)
- Diagrams as Code with Mermaid, GitHub, and Visual Studio Code (EN)
- Helmify — Convert K8S yaml manifests into helm chart (EN)
- Akvorado: a flow collector, enricher, and visualizer (EN)
- I love AWK :) — Using AWK to detect Duplicate Files in Linux (EN)
👉 Concepts & Definitions
👀 By the way…
- Meta stop two datacenter projects in Dannemark (FR)
- The Big Tech Hiring Slowdown Is Here and it will Hurt (EN)
- Twitter’s ongoing cruel treatment of software engineers (EN)
- A debugging manifesto (EN)