linuxSRE/Devops/Sysadmin newsletter : 2024/06

Xavier Pestel (Xavki)
2 min readJun 19, 2024


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Kubernetes & Containers

Container training : full crash course from 0 to hero in kubernetes

Operators List : a great community operator list

Container & OOM Killer : Why Are Containers Sometimes Killed by the System ?

K8S resources tuning : Kubernetes Resource Tuning in your GitOps Pipelines

Docker container : memory to the limit & cgroup bases


bpftune : auto-tune your linux server with eBPF observability

SmokePing : aprober sends a series of ICMP (or UDP) pings to a target and records the responses in Prometheus histogram metrics


Patchman : monitor patch of your linux system

Linux : search into kernel commit messages online

/usr/bin/[ : when [ is a elf binary, dis you know ?

PID0 : in the PID 0 illusion ?? when internet loses the truth


Postgresql : how to understand memory optimization usage

Dblab : a terminal UI to manage psotgresql, mysql, slite and oracle databases

Gitops for databases : Atlas usage into kubernetes


OpenBao : the fork of hashicorp vault

Google : A Leak Reveals Thousands of Privacy Incidents

Git-Backup : how to backup your git repositories on S3 buckets ?

Authentik : an open-source Identity Provider that emphasizes flexibility and versatility

Authelia : Simple Self-Hosted Security with Authelia


OpenTofu : migrating terraform to opentofu

Mesop : a quick web app in python by Google

DevToys : desktop app to help dev/ops for many little daily tasks

SteamPipe : Dynamically query APIs, code and more with SQL zero-ETL from 140 data sources.

Terramaid : convert your terraform plan into mermaid diagram

Zed : the rust editor to replace vscode, vim…

Akvorado : network flow collector, enricher and visualizer

Taskfile : replace your makefile and integrate it into your CI/CD

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Xavier Pestel (Xavki)

Microservices architecture and opensource. I’m maintainer of xavki about opensource. My blog :