Devops newsletter : 20220110 week
Found the last newsletter here
🥳 Many people have suscribed to this newsletter, thank you.
Before, I just want to remind you of an important date by showing you this documentary about Aaron Swartz (rip 11/01/2013 — wikipedia). One of the most important people, in the free and opensource community.
😍 Suscribe to Xavki’s channel
👉 Containerization & Kubernetes
- Kubeview : a new way to visualize your kubernetes cluster
- Awesome curated list : about kubernetes security
- Rakkess : list your service account scopes
- Listen k8s event : trigger a simple shell script on events
- Kubernetes : deep dive into kubernetes resources, kind and objects
- Data resilience : some tricks and tips about it in k8S
- Kubelet : deep dive
👉 Observation
- Obervatorium : Thanos and Loki to be better !!
- Time Series Database : deep dive into prometheus (which problems, you need to solve to create a TSDB), very very interesting post
- OpenTelemetry : what is it ?
👉 Linux
- ExplainShell : to decrypt shell commands and tricks in the CLI
- Network stack explained : good slides on this part of the linux system
- Load Average : what is it… in detail ?
- DNS : how to find an authoritative nameserver ?
- DNS : some words about recursive resolvers
- IP : how to find ip location ?
👉 Database
- BigQuery : how queries work ?
- Gorilla : a timeseries database at Facebook
- Postgres : 2021 summary
👉 Python
👉 Others
- Docusaurus : create your own documentation website (and showcase)
- Books to scrape : a website that wants to be scraped
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